Swimming lessons for your kids?
A few dinners out with your spouse?
A trip to visit your grandchildren?
A day trip to Whistler?
Tickets to a Canucks game?
A couple weeks of groceries?
Climb Aboard: TransLink doesn’t just have one board of directors, it has six – at a cost of $751,589 in annual salary. And after TransLink’s board chair promised executive pay would be frozen “at 2012 levels,” every single TransLink executive got paid more money in 2013.
Empty Edmonds: TransLink spends at least $1.12 million on an empty building. The SkyTrain union head calls the $60,000/month lease payment "outright waste" and a "poor financial decision."
Poodle On A Pole: Despite crying poor, TransLink kicked in more than $30,000 to put a 7-foot statue of a poodle on top of a 25-foot pole. The Main Street Poodle is nowhere near any major transit station, nor is the poodle symbolic of the neighbourhood.
$5 Gets You $20: TransLink took months to fix a glitch that saw its ticket vending machines treat new $5 bills like they were $20s. People would buy tickets and get more money back than they put in.
TV Time Out: TransLink spent $523,000 on 13 TV screens at various SkyTrain stations. A year later, a CTF inspection showed only 4 of 13 were working. TransLink refuted that claim, saying 6 of the 13 $40,000+ TVs worked – still less than half.
17 cents per litre of gas from
the TransLink gas tax
5 cents per litre of gas from
the federal gas tax
21% parking tax
Property taxes that grow by 3% every year
$22.80 a year on your electricity bill
$4.30 toll for every trip across
the Golden Ears Bridge
TransLink can’t guarantee this sales tax won’t increase to 1% or 2% in the future. You see, they have admitted they don’t actually know what the real numbers are:
In fact, they won’t even get an estimate for the two most expensive parts of the plan until four months AFTER the referendum has been held.
It's David vs Goliath.
The YES campaign is funded by unions, big corporations, insiders and special interests. They are going to try and buy this tax hike.
We can't let them. They are going to outspend us by 50 to 1 unless we have your support.
The NO Tran$Link Tax is funded by donations for everyday Lower Mainland residents who don't want to pay more taxes, and small businesses who will be hurt by a sales tax.
Your contribution can make a difference:
Donations of over $200 will be subject to disclosure.